unbalanced growth

美 [ˌʌnˈbælənst ɡroʊθ]英 [ˌʌnˈbælənst ɡrəʊθ]
  • 网络不平衡增长;不平衡增长理论;非平衡增长;不平衡增长战略;非均衡发展
unbalanced growthunbalanced growth
  1. Compelled Technological Change , Unbalanced Growth , and China 's Business Cycle


  2. On Unbalanced Growth Strategies for and Development of Fuling Industry


  3. Industrial Selection and Unbalanced Growth of Regional Economy


  4. We hope to take this perspective into account to research the mechanism of unbalanced growth of services .


  5. With both GDP and consumption increasing rapidly , why should China give up its unbalanced growth approach ?


  6. Internet mobilization makes the support forces unbalanced growth , and the superiority group loses the control of conflict results .


  7. Early in 1940s , the western economists had proposed the theory of balanced and unbalanced growth after studying the industrial development model .


  8. Thirdly , pay a good deal of attention to the unbalanced growth in regional service industry and promote harmonious and healthy development of service industry .


  9. Meanwhile , economists consoled themselves that it was better to have unbalanced growth than none at all .


  10. And that in turn creates structural problems since it will delay a shift away from an unbalanced growth model whose utility is increasingly in question .


  11. So be it : unbalanced growth cannot last forever . The UK must simply keep its nerve while the economy and currency come down to earth .


  12. In the developing process of national and regional economy , unbalanced growth pattern will cause the investment to be centralized , so as to achieve higher efficiency and facilitate rapid development of various industries .


  13. Deliberate unbalanced growth generated huge economies of scale and encouraged some 150m migrant workers to gravitate to the booming commercial centres around Guangzhou , Shanghai and Beijing .


  14. If the US rebalances that is , starts saving more as a nation without others increasing their spending , the risk is not unbalanced growth , but no growth at all .


  15. According to Baumol Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth Model , the radical reason for the rapid development of the service industry is that the growth rate of labour productivity in service industry is lagging .


  16. Signs that China is losing its appetite for key financial reform are fuelling concern that the country will remain on a path of unbalanced growth , increasing the chances of an economic crisis .


  17. The effect of CP on K562 cells leads to unbalanced growth of them , An additional finding is that the direct effect of CP does not induce a significant change of cell cycle distribution of K562 cells .


  18. The authors of the report said that while China appeared to have navigated the global financial crisis well , it had relied on especially high credit growth to do this , which risked mimicking the asset price bubbles and unbalanced growth of the west before the crisis .


  19. The Unbalanced Economic Growth of China 's Industries


  20. Institutional Changes and Unbalanced Economic Growth in Provinces and Regions


  21. Unbalanced Economic Growth during the Period of Ownership Transition


  22. He said China faces a difficult task in correcting China 's unbalanced economic growth and income disparity .


  23. This paper , from the point of human capital , studied the unbalanced regional growth theoretically and analyzed the interaction of these influences .


  24. Some entertain hopes that we can restore the globally unbalanced economic growth of the middle years of this decade .


  25. Our finding is consistent with Baumol 's " Unbalanced Economic Growth " theory , which may be a plausible explanation for the productivity paradox .


  26. But if this continues , the region will face a bleak future of unbalanced export-dominated growth , food and water shortages , and major environmental degradation .


  27. Our country has an unbalanced economic growth for a long time , for there is a faster economic growth in eastern coastal cities and the western region has lagged behind heavily .


  28. Sichuan provincial government therefor should , according to local situation , increase investment in higher education while optimize its composition ; and enhance regional competitiveness by boosting regional economy and ameliorate unbalanced economic growth .


  29. Unbalanced regional economic growth and inter regional economic disparities in China


  30. Study on the unbalanced , coordinated growth of the major development of the west
